3-Month Course: Java Spring Boot

Month 1: Introduction to Java and Spring Boot Basics
Week 1: Getting Started with Java
  • Introduction to Java and JVM
  • Variables, Data Types, and Operators
  • Control Structures: Conditional Statements and Loops

Project: Implement basic console applications using Java

Week 2: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Java
  • Classes, Objects, and Methods
  • Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation
  • Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Project: Develop simple applications using OOP principles in Java

Week 3: Exception Handling and File I/O
  • Handling Exceptions in Java
  • Reading from and Writing to Files
  • Using Streams and File System Operations

Project: Implement error handling and file operations in Java applications

Week 4: Introduction to Spring Boot
  • Overview of Spring Framework
  • Introduction to Spring Boot
  • Creating Spring Boot Applications

Project: Build a basic web application using Spring Boot

Month 2: Advanced Java and Spring Boot Concepts
Week 1: Dependency Injection and Spring Boot Configuration
  • Understanding Dependency Injection
  • Configuring Spring Boot Applications
  • Using Application Properties and YAML

Project: Configure and optimize a Spring Boot application

Week 2: Spring Data JPA
  • Introduction to Spring Data JPA
  • Creating and Using Repositories
  • Query Methods and Custom Queries

Project: Develop a database-driven application using Spring Data JPA

Week 3: Building RESTful Web Services
  • Creating RESTful APIs with Spring Boot
  • Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
  • Using Spring Boot Actuator

Project: Build and consume a RESTful web service using Spring Boot

Week 4: Security in Spring Boot
  • Introduction to Spring Security
  • Implementing Authentication and Authorization
  • Securing REST APIs

Project: Secure a Spring Boot application using Spring Security

Month 3: Advanced Spring Boot Development
Week 1: Testing in Spring Boot
  • Unit Testing with JUnit and Mockito
  • Integration Testing
  • Testing REST APIs

Project: Write and run tests for a Spring Boot application

Week 2: Spring Boot Microservices
  • Introduction to Microservices Architecture
  • Creating and Deploying Microservices
  • Service Discovery and Communication

Project: Develop and deploy microservices using Spring Boot

Week 3: Messaging and Asynchronous Processing
  • Introduction to Messaging with Spring Boot
  • Using RabbitMQ and Kafka
  • Asynchronous Processing with Spring Boot

Project: Implement messaging and asynchronous processing in Spring Boot

Week 4: Deployment and Monitoring
  • Deploying Spring Boot Applications
  • Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Monitoring and Logging with Spring Boot

Project: Deploy and monitor a Spring Boot application